> I've never had any of these, but
> in my part of the country (Texas)
> this cross is not uncommon, and is
> referred to as Charbray. The fast
> growth you referred to is not
> surprising, based on my anecdotal
> evidence. But it seems to me that
> about the most popular cross in
> these parts involves breeding a
> Charolais bull to good tiger
> striped cows (tiger striped being
> the colloquial name for a 50%
> Hereford / 50%Brahman animal). The
> resulting calves are real fast
> growers and generally very stocky.
> They command some of the highest
> prices at sale barns even though
> they are not black. And since
> those resulting calves have less
> Brahman makeup they don't show as
> much "ear" as perhaps a
> 50/50 Charolais Brahman would.
Good point Arnold, You don't see to many Tigerstripes come through the sale here in N.Georgia,but when you do they sale good and everybody makes a fuse about how good they will grow off a calf.I always wondered what they were made up of.Thanks for your insight Aronald.Does it matter which way you go, Herford bull X Braham Cow,are Herford cow X Braham bull to get the tigerstripes?
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