> I have a calf that has went blind
> from pinkeye in both eyes. I try
> to watch my cattle closely but
> this one snuck up on me. What do I
> do? Should I sell him now or
> continue to feed him grain and let
> him graze in a small lot. He
> probably only weighs approx. 200
> lbs right now.
I'd feed him and then eat him. You will get next to nothing for him if you go the sale barn route. I once had a calf that was merely "cross-eyed" and when I got my sale ticket I nearly exploded --- I got about 25 cents per pound for him, when similar calves with "normal" eyes that I sold that very same day went in the 90 cent range. I confirmed with the sale barn that the calf was not lame legged, but was discounted due to the eyes. What bullshit!