Folks, I'm hoping some of ya'll can help me understand somethings alittle better. First off let me tell you what happened. I lost a 2 year old heifer. Upon examining her the cause of death was ruled Blackleg. Now don't just say it could have been prevented by vaccinating. Cause as my vet knows she was vacinated. Last time was May 18 to be exact. History of the heifer, she was bought last fall at a purebred sale, off from a very reputable breeder. Even after my vet explaining it to me I still don't understand how or why this animal came down with it. I know it stays in the ground along time, and grazing conditions here havn't been very good, cattle see more dirt that they do grass. I have cattle on three farms, this heifer has been on two of them. I have been in the business 15 of my 22 years and have never had any trouble before. Thank you for your comments and opinions.
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