Bird Identification

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Jan 2, 2004
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Does anyone know what kind of bird this is?
Looks like a bald eagle to me. I just knew there was going to be some kind of joke there. Guess not.
Sure looks like a bald eagle, a young adult that has just got his white crown...and hasn't lost all the white on the lower feathers. We have lots up here, especially in winter when they stop over to feed for a few spawning. Usually catch more fish than I do....
Susie David":fxmdy3bx said:
Sure looks like a bald eagle, a young adult that has just got his white crown...and hasn't lost all the white on the lower feathers. We have lots up here, especially in winter when they stop over to feed for a few spawning. Usually catch more fish than I do....
The bald eagles around here start out with no white and mature with white head of course but also with solid white tail feathers.
i took the picture today. i saw him/her while i was checking on cows. woohoo! i finally have evidence.
Ive seen this bald eagle like 4 or 5 times and no one ever believes me. but now thanks to my trusty digital camera i have proof that it is not a figment of my overactive imagination.
You must have a lake or river near by, they usually won't venture farm from the winter here you can spot them real easy in the trees along the banks of the Mississippi.
There were a lot of them when I went to Alaska. We would put the fish scraps on the end of the dock and they would swoop down and take off with them. It was absolutely amazing listening to them and watching them so closely. I'll have to find the pic I took on one stealing fish.
Beefy not sure what part of GA you live in but here on the farm in the southwest patrt we have a couple that come back from time to time. You were very lucky to get the picture. The first time they should up here I tried and tried to get a picture but they would see me coming everytime and take flight. So I got smart one morning and camoed my self out from head to toe, sneaked out from behind the barn, belly crawled to the edge of the pond pulled myself up to a sitting postion only to watch him fly the other way. Never did get a picture. They pair was seen earlier this yr. circling the pond early one morning when out checking cows.