We raise our bred Belted Galloway steers for for dry aged grass fed retail beef. Belties are the breed most genetically suited for all grass and hay cattle. The beef is very good. We get $8.00 lb for rail weight. Angus and other breeds will sell for $6.00 lb rail weight. Why does the Beltie bring more. It's very tasty and heart healthy. You would have to do your homework to see the benefits of Belted Galloway cattle. Our steers get to 1,300 pounds. Rail weight will be approximately 650. Do the math. That's $5,200. We've been doing this for awhile and have educated our customers on the benefits. This breed has been around for 1,100 years. BG beef is highly regarded in restaurants in the British Isles. And they don't bring anything at the stockyard, but I'll take my $5,200 and never set foot at an auction barn.