I keep looking for something else to run besides Beefmaster bulls but I always come up short. They just work for me. I do have a big calf or two every year but I haven't had to pull any in years although I have lost them regardless of the cow having it own her own. The docility and growth are just hard to beat IMO. They work easy, they're healthy, they handle the heat and cold both here just fine, and the bulls stay inside the fences. Taking the price dock at the sale barn every year for ear hurts a little bit but not enough to change to something else.
I bought a Judd Ranch Balancer a couple of years ago to breed to heifers only for small calves but the Angus in him just irritates me to no end. I've about put a bullet in him a couple of times now. Really don't like that bull. Going back to Crib Creek this fall and getting another Beefmaster.
Never had Braford but I do like some chrome in the herd. With our Beefmasters, solid dark reds and creams tend to be the most common colors.