Bangs tag

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2004
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How & where can you track a bangs tag ID#? I am trying to figure out the age of one of my cows. Also how many of you vaccinate your heifers for Bangs? I have some spring calves I am trying to decide if I should vaccinate. When I asked my vet - he pretty much tried to talk me out of it with a 10 1/2 old calf I had in the spring.
Kelly":1rporask said:
How & where can you track a bangs tag ID#? I am trying to figure out the age of one of my cows. Also how many of you vaccinate your heifers for Bangs?
Kelly, your State Animal Health Agency should have all of that eartag information computerized by the vaccination records. The tags should also have been issued to a specific Vet on a certain date so that will give them two chances to have it on record.

If you can read her vaccination tattoo, the last digit of the tattoo should correspond to the last digit of the year she was vaccinated. That will get you within ten years of it and surely you can narrow it down to the correct year. If its a black pigmented ear and you can't read it, try cleaning the ear good and holding a trouble light or some other good light source behind the ear. Should show up like magic.

Don't let your vet talk you out of vaccinating unless your heifers are just too old! Vaccination, along with aggressive test and slaughter, is what has gotten us this far with Brucellosis. The program has involved a lot of sacrifices by a lot of people. Let's don't take a chance on losing all the progress we've made!
We vaccinate EVERY heifer. Its a real pain because it has to be given by a vet but it is well worth it.

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