Automatic Waterers

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We have several types and they are great. Even the temp waterers are set up with a valve and hose to keep them filled. During the winter we move the cows to areas that are supplied by automatic freezeproof waterers.
I have been looking at some because honestly im tired of draining and filling up water troughs but I only have 28 head and im basically wondering is it worth it? What do you think dun? Is it worth the added cost?
skyhightree1":3cptj857 said:
I have been looking at some because honestly im tired of draining and filling up water troughs but I only have 28 head and im basically wondering is it worth it? What do you think dun? Is it worth the added cost?
Yes it is, depending on the type the prices run from reasonable to rediculous. If you get a freezeproof it can be worth it's weight in gold at times.
we assist people with design and layout and such.

I have never had anyone tell me they regretted spending the money.

had one lady with just six cows who put in a two hole unit and put one hole in the catch pen.

She has said numerous times that was the best money she ever spent.

I have three....
Farmerjon":2pssl5vh said:
Do you recommend them installed in a building/barn or in a lot outside? (I am in Northern Indiana).
A lot of that depends on your facilitys and lay out.
They are great. We have the four and two holes. Great for the weather too, no more breaking ice out of the water troughs. Worth the MONEY!!!
i am not in northern indiana so I am not reccommending but there are people around you who can.

There are auto water troughs designed to withstand canadian winters in alberta so there are good ones out there.
Farmerjon":38rk88aa said:
Do you recommend them installed in a building/barn or in a lot outside? (I am in Northern Indiana).

We have a Ritchie inside the barn and a mirrorfount outside and both work good. The only downside to the old Ritchie inside is that it has a tendancy to overflow every few years and it really makes a mess in the barn, especially if it happens in the winter.
I guess I will look into it cause busting ice is a royal pain in the arse... pd what price range do they go for around our way?
skyhightree1":amq3yor7 said:
How many of you use automatic waterers and do you like them are they worth the money ?

We use them, and they are absolutely worth the money! One of our's is a Ritchy, and it has to be below -15 or so for it to freeze up. I don't know what brand 2 of them are, but they have tank heaters as well as a heat lamp underneath them and they never freeze up. We also have a number of Poli Tron waterers, and it has to get really cold for them to freeze up. Another advantage of automatic waterer's is that the water turns over fast enough that algae problems is reduced, and the water stays cleaner and fresher. They are also a lot easier to clean out.
I think when dun is saying freezeproof, he really means energy free. In SW Mo that's probably a good option.
Farmerjon, in No In, I'd go ahead and lay an electric line with it. You can always not use it, and if you need it it's there. With the newer waterers, it just costs pennies a day to run them and the problems are a lot less than with an energy free. With enough cattle and in the right place they will work ok, and sometimes the price of getting the electric there is prohibitive.
Energy free is just ok, with electricity is better. jmo gs
I have a Mirafount and love it. Got a one place fountain (I am very small operation) and installed it in a fenceline and they can get at it from either paddock. One thing tho, DO be sure to get the heat tube they sell separate (about $60 or $70 extra) I was told I wouldn't need it. If I had more cattle I probably would not have needed it but you gotta keep it going in the winter...we get well below zero.
We have a couple of ~40 y.o. UFA waterers that are still working fine. The one behind the barn we don't have running because something may be wrong with the water pipe that's making it leak. Last time we had the back waterer working there was a nice little pond right beside it, though we haven't invested the time or effort to see what was exactly wrong with it. With only a few of the renter's dairy cows and calves up the front waterer is enough.

Heat tape in the waterers is absolutely necessary in this part of the country where I live, especially if cattle are going to be overwintered and we get -30 degree C days and nights.

They certainly save the time and effort of having to fill up a stock tank twice or three times a day, though, that's for sure.
I have had a nelson for about 15 years. works great, only ever replaced a valve and several small parts. the heater works great, never freezes up.very easy to clean drinking bowl.

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