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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2022
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it seems like they are very interested in how you got your land....did you inherit, etc. I always do one of the surveys from USDA/FSA/NRCS every 5 years or so, but it seems like this time they are worried about us farmers/cattlemen/ etc holding on and passing on our land. maybe i'm just suspicious. wondering if anyone has started/finished their survey from Dept. Agriculture/ USDA/ FSA/etc. doesn't take in to account the money/sacrifice/work from our fathers/grandfathers/etc that bought the land and passed to us/sold to us. i'm getting old and suspicious. and sick and tired
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Just put some numbers and go. Otherwise they will call and want to do a phone interview if like other government surveys. Really odd later in the survey on your worth, retirement accounts, off farm, values of land, trucks and cars, equipment, stored seeds, breakdown of expenses... as if I have time to go look up the info. Numbers out of the air and go. But I might wait as I don't see why the values of my house and non-farm stuff need to be on an ag survey.

Had another one from a local program on pastures (Climate Smart) want to know if I believed in global warming and such. Really? You need to know that to sequent carbon?
Haven't received this particular survey yet. But if I do I'll treat it like all the other USDA surveys I've received over the years and file it in the wood stove for safe keepings.

Yep. Read thru the last one and started getting way beyond anything reasonable for an ag census. You want to know the acres I farm and what I produce I can probably go along with that. Seemed like they wanted everything but a blood type last time.
I shred most junk mail and use it for the chickens..... then it goes in the garden to add carbon mixed with lots of fertilizer.....the rest of the shiny paper, cellophane etc goes into fire starting....

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