I don't think it's a " WHITE HOUSE RUSE" , It might be the saudi's don't want America's wrath directed towards them!!
It makes me sick that , these muslim countries are more upset about the "horrors" that our soldiers are doing to them in prison , then the beheadings.
And speaking of pictures , the ragheads are so lucky that they are in US custody!! If they had been there under sadam or any other two bit dictator they would be DEAD!!
I am starting to think that maybe we should withdraw our people , and then leave a crator !!
I think that Bush is doing the best that he can!! It scares me to think of what Gore would be doing in the same situation.
Greenpastures I think that there is still time, If you want you could probably run for pres, on the independent ticket. hey , maybe you can run as Nader's V.P.