Added bull, original bull seems off now?!

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Jan 8, 2025
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I added my top bull in July and he bred everything that was open I didn't have any other bulls with him he was bellaring and carrying on like he should. Recently last month I added another bull to the herd a bit younger but he is bigger and they seemed to butt heads and seemed to have fought it out. After a couple weeks I noticed my original bull isn't bellaring anymore and kind of hangs by himself. Not screaming like he used to letting everyone know he's there. Last week I took out my newest bull and moved him across the road. Why is my original bull acting weird did he get beat up? And is he ever gonna wanna act like a bull again? He still heat checks casually but not out to get anything done it seems like.
Like the others say, he is probably doomed unless you have another herd for him. When I tried the same, my new young stronger bull would not even let the old man stay around the herd. If he got withing a 100 yards the young one would chase him down for another whupping.
A few yrs ago I purchased a young bull for my herd and my neighbor had an older bull that tore through and came over and whooped mine as soon as I turned mine out, my young bull that id just purchased, had semen checked and turned out would not even get near my cows once he got whooped even with the older bull back over at the neighbors. I gave it a few months my bull never got back with my cows, had to sell my young bull and finally talked my neighbor into moving their bull because he kept tearing down fences to get with my cattle.
We had a neighbors' 2 bulls tear fences down and got in with our young bull and his 15 cows... Then, one of the neighbors cows came in heat and all the bulls went over, but our bull kept getting beat up. They finally got them down to the catch area, and we got our bull out. Looked like crap for about 6 months. But we recently put him in with 14 heifers to breed and he is doing his thing... seen him breed a couple and he is checking them out. He even has gone down to the fence along the road and trades insults with the bull across the road. Took about 6 months before we felt comfortable with him to use and he has been acting fine. Of course, he has not been semen tested again, since he got beat up... he was checked before that problem with the neighbors' bulls.... hoping that there was no problem carried over..... he seems to perform just damage or obvious signs of injury or anything.
We've had to sell several bulls after they get whooped on. We've got a bully in the bunch now and plan on selling him next week. I have noticed that when we buy bulls that were raised together they rarely fight. Has anyone else noticed this? Also has anyone had problems with lots of opens that they tracked back to 1 bull beating on the others too much?
If you have a smallish herd say 25 cows, one bull will get them covered faster than two bulls will.
Yah, one bull trying to get it done and the other pops him in the stifle and cripples him. Better to split the cows and rotate the bulls every 3 weeks. Or 3 bulls so 1 can get the job done while the other 2 fight. Nice thing about a couple yearlings in the pasture is they just watch each other take turns.
I have noticed that when we buy bulls that were raised together they rarely fight. Has anyone else noticed this?
Yes. Woody and Willy never fought (sold Willy earlier this year). There was the occasional head butt, but that's how they roll. Same with Dick & Peter and Johnson & Rod. Makes it easier when we buy two bulls at a time from the same breeder. That said, Tallywacker & Shaft weren't raised together but never fight although that's because of the distinction in age and Shaft knows he'll get his azz kicked.
A man who had kept cattle since before I was born once told me that if one bull isn't enough, get three. While two are fighting the third will take care of business.
I've always been told to keep an odd number of bulls.
Yes. Woody and Willy never fought (sold Willy earlier this year). There was the occasional head butt, but that's how they roll. Same with Dick & Peter and Johnson & Rod. Makes it easier when we buy two bulls at a time from the same breeder. That said, Tallywacker & Shaft weren't raised together but never fight although that's because of the distinction in age and Shaft knows he'll get his azz kicked.
We've only named one of our bulls but those are definitely the best names I've heard.

We had a really big nice horned Hereford bull that our then 3yr old grandson named feedy. I think the next 3 horned Hereford bulls were also Feedy before he realized something was up. I guess what they don't know won't hurt em 🤪
Yes. Woody and Willy never fought (sold Willy earlier this year). There was the occasional head butt, but that's how they roll. Same with Dick & Peter and Johnson & Rod. Makes it easier when we buy two bulls at a time from the same breeder. That said, Tallywacker & Shaft weren't raised together but never fight although that's because of the distinction in age and Shaft knows he'll get his azz kicked.
Does anyone else see a theme to those bulls names???
Does anyone else see a theme to those bulls names???
We started out with Bob the Viagra Guy (Bob) and Stud Muffin. Stud broke his, um, muffin, and replaced him temporarily with Not Bob (not to be confused with Bob). Replaced them with MoLester and Chester Lester. They have one job, so I'm gonna roll with it;)

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