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Dad had a good send off yesterday; the pastor had did a great sermon. I had set up his saddle in the Narthex of the church with his favorite bridle and I put the spurs on a pair of his old worn riding boots, and hat. In leu of flowers I placed dads Angora Chaps on the coffin. He always like that two inch underslung heal on his cowboy boots. We also had several pictures of dad and mom. Pictures of dad and uncle Duane horseback, and the photo of Dad, Duane and uncle Roy just before they went off to Brussels for the Worlds Fair. Dad and uncle Duane were very close; I think dad called him every few days. We had dads hat placed in the coffin with him, as he didn't go anywhere without his hat. The best part was the telling of stories about dad the day before the funeral and at the luncheon that ladies of the church put on for us. I'm going to miss that old cowboy. Dads saddle was built by Tony Holmes of Cheyenne. When dad worked for Warren Livestock he would talk about what he would like in a saddle with Tony, and then one day Tony said, Dale there is your saddle. Even though he didn't really have the money to buy it, he felt he had to because it was build special for him. I would say it was a good investment. In his lifetime dad had broken two saddles; most likely jerking bulls around. We also learned from a friend of mine that dad had a horse that he broke named after him. My friends dad rode for the same ranch that dad had after dad had left and rode that horse.