8wt yearling steers

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kenny thomas

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2008
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SW tip of Virginia
For anyone in or keeping up with the stocker business what is the offer for 8wt steers in your area? Best here so far for 835lb, 90% black is .97 with no shrink and a .04 slide.
you guys should appreciate the fact that you live near the feed yards...right out of the gate we loose 10 cents min. because of shipping...no feed or packers here...even local slaughter house are getting few and far between...
22 July 2009

Van Kleek Auction Barn

Large and medium framed stocker steer - 800 - 900 pound steers

Averaged $0.68 cents a pound Canadian on very low volumes

Prices have been low and volumes so low that the largest slaughter in eastern Ontario and western Quebec has reduced the daily kill by more than 50%

By the way - that price equates to $0.63 cents a pound US

I see Moose Jaw Saskatchewan - XL Meats - has closed their slaughter house due to lack of available product as well - we shipped there a lot of cattle there a few years back

Cattle biz in Canada is in drastic shape - prices are far too low and folks are jumping out

Don't know about input costs there but I would think they would be as high or higher than here. If that is so I could not blame anyone for getting out. I would have to. That just would not work.
kenny thomas":3r8mrrtl said:
Don't know about input costs there but I would think they would be as high or higher than here. If that is so I could not blame anyone for getting out. I would have to. That just would not work.

Higher my friend

We feed hay for up to seven (7) months of the year

Pasture cattle from June to October - later if we are lucky - snow drives us out of the grass and into the bales

I believe our fuel is higher than yours - running at an average of $3.22 per gallon.

(I have completed all conversions for money and volumes completed to match the US gallon and US dollar so the fuel price is clear to all in the US)

Our federal, provincial and value added taxes on average are far higher than yours - compliments of those desired programs for a socialist country.

Closest auction barn that handles beef on a regular basis is 3 hours by truck and there is no competition so prices are low - sometimes the dairy sale barns will run a small sale and move 40 - 50 head of beef through - happens about once a week at most in this area - sometimes once every two to three weeks.

You see the prices we got last week - 63 cents US a pound does not cut it - cattle are going out - national herd numbers are down - slaughter numbers are down - several national sized kill plants have closed - soon we will import more from Brazil and Argentina if things do not change

Total federal ag programs in Canada do not come close to what the US farmers gets - see farm subsidy data base - not picking a fight - it is just a fact.


If you know the persons name and address you can even get the information on the individual and how much he / she received each year in subsidy and program money from the various government departments - I am not truly interested in who gets what - I just want to compete on the same playing field.

This one will take you to North Dakota - if memory serves me, the entire country of Canada gets about the same as this one state - maybe a bit more and maybe a bit less - lots of arguments about subsidies and programs - but this site puts it all out there - all compliments of your government - and there for all to read.

My personal subsidy when BSE hit Canada - and my animals were not affected - did not fill up my pick up truck with fuel. Last year I got my very first subsidy check for drought - two years late - it came in at just over 10 bucks and I think I still have my three dollar subsidy cheque for my "hold back of heifers"

We simply cannot compete - we are too small and do not have the Canadian federal government on side - all in all - pretty bleak


Am I stupid Bez, but I thought with a free trade market subsidies were not allowed. :?

Well the first part is subjective because I know that I have my dumb dumb moments. :lol2: :oops:
i need to come where u guys are a 835 steer 100% bkack would bring .75 at my local sale but its a much of nothing now u drive hour and a half and u have a sale
I was at the sale barn in Innisfail Alberta yesterday and 800 lb. steers coming off grass were right around 97 to a dollar(Canadian) or about 90 to 93 USA dollars.
A good portion of these steers were bought in late April at 650 lbs. for around $1.18/lb. or $767(Canadian$) so the profit is pretty bleak? Those sellers certainly never got anything for their grass. Selling costs and transport would eat up the $30 fairly easily. Selling costs here are: 2% commission($16), checkoff($3), hartford insurance, producer insurance, brand inspection(about $2). Transportation costs depend on distance. Doesn't leave much to pay for the grass, water, salt and mineral, any vet costs, interest. fence repair or death loss!
There is a fair bit of interest right now in breaking up any land that can possibly be farmed. Bez is exactly right when he says Canada is going to be eating a lot of South American beef real soon! Our governments solution is to give us a tax deferal for one year as we liquidate the national beef herd!
Incidently, I was talking to a cattleman who said 1200 lb. hay bales sold last week at the Ponoka sale barn for $150/bale(108 bales). It takes about 5.5 bales to feed a cow through the winter up here...it would cost $825/cow! Not very good economics in cows right now.
Alberta farmer":3f66injh said:
I was at the sale barn in Innisfail Alberta yesterday and 800 lb. steers coming off grass were right around 97 to a dollar(Canadian) or about 90 to 93 USA dollars.
A good portion of these steers were bought in late April at 650 lbs. for around $1.18/lb. or $767(Canadian$) so the profit is pretty bleak? Those sellers certainly never got anything for their grass. Selling costs and transport would eat up the $30 fairly easily. Selling costs here are: 2% commission($16), checkoff($3), hartford insurance, producer insurance, brand inspection(about $2). Transportation costs depend on distance. Doesn't leave much to pay for the grass, water, salt and mineral, any vet costs, interest. fence repair or death loss!
There is a fair bit of interest right now in breaking up any land that can possibly be farmed. Bez is exactly right when he says Canada is going to be eating a lot of South American beef real soon! Our governments solution is to give us a tax deferal for one year as we liquidate the national beef herd!
Incidently, I was talking to a cattleman who said 1200 lb. hay bales sold last week at the Ponoka sale barn for $150/bale(108 bales). It takes about 5.5 bales to feed a cow through the winter up here...it would cost $825/cow! Not very good economics in cows right now.

Just keep enough to feed tha family and rent it out to the grain guys - they can still pay - we clear far more that way now.

Hay running at 8 bucks a pound? I have paid as much as 107 for a bale of hay - but that has to hurt.

Cows eating better than people and tax deferrals on a negative income

Tax deferrals - have to laugh - c'mon now - there is a little humour in it.

Best to you

Bez: On the tax deferal thing: It is helpful in a way? If a person has to liquidate a whole herd, even with poor prices, they could be getting a pretty hefty check/taxes...although I guess that would be offset by a reduction in inventory? Not really sure how that works...need to check with accountant.
Personally I am doing the same as you. I am totally disgusted with both our provincial and federal governments for their short sighted approach to livestock in Canada. Through their stupid policies they get us in these wrecks and then try to forget we even exist!
If you owned cattle in 2003 you want to make sure you keep the old records of cattle owned and prices recieved. There is a class action suit against the feds for their complete screwup with BSE that somewhere down the road could result in a good payback. A feed company(Ridley) has already settled out of court for $6 million in this lawsuit and that money is being used to sue the Canadian government for $11 billion. Ag minister Ritz has refused to settle and the lawsuit recently got approval to proceed. It might take years but I think we've got them!
Alberta farmer":24t5vrlo said:
Bez: On the tax deferal thing: It is helpful in a way? If a person has to liquidate a whole herd, even with poor prices, they could be getting a pretty hefty check/taxes...although I guess that would be offset by a reduction in inventory? Not really sure how that works...need to check with accountant.
Personally I am doing the same as you. I am totally disgusted with both our provincial and federal governments for their short sighted approach to livestock in Canada. Through their stupid policies they get us in these wrecks and then try to forget we even exist!
If you owned cattle in 2003 you want to make sure you keep the old records of cattle owned and prices recieved. There is a class action suit against the feds for their complete screwup with BSE that somewhere down the road could result in a good payback. A feed company(Ridley) has already settled out of court for $6 million in this lawsuit and that money is being used to sue the Canadian government for $11 billion. Ag minister Ritz has refused to settle and the lawsuit recently got approval to proceed. It might take years but I think we've got them!


Believe me - if you need the price of a gnats ass and how much feed it took to get it to swatting size - we have it.

Tax deferrals? Yeah - good for dispersals - in other words encouragement to get out of the business. Going to be hard to find home grown food in Canada within the next 15 years at this rate.

As a once die hard Reformer - am now a luke warm Cons supporter - if only because I HATE what the libs have done even more. And Taliban Jack would never have the guts to come over here and meet us folks in the desert - so he is a piece of doggie doo under my boots. No other choices - but I know several Con MPs personally and fairly well - they hate me showing up to have a chat - I do it once in a while just to make ME feel better.

Take care

Sounds like our politics are pretty much the same. In Alberta it doesn't matter much how you vote though, the Conservatives could run a fence post and win. A good safe protest vote is the Green party.

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