87% conception so far

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Jeanne - Simme Valley

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Central Upstate New York
We have been AI'ing the herd for about 26 days. Last calf was born 3-11 (with 4 others born in March) Have bred 31 out of 36 - with 87% conception on the ones that have been long enough to repeat. Loving life!
And, this year, I only have 7 more days to heat detect. We are renting a bull that we calved, showed and sold - for 28 days. He will cover while we are gone 5 days to our sale and 7 days on a vacation.
I purchased a chin-ball marker to put on the bull, so I will know (hopefully!!) which cows get covered by the bull.
I should clarify when I said "we" have been AI'ing. We hire a private individual who has a small service. He charges $7/hd whether you have 1 or 20. Not always reliable on his timing, but always comes and obviously, really doing a great job. Bull was turned out yesterday. He has 3 March calvers that need to be bred, hopefully not very many more. I think I only have 7 that haven't had enough time to pass over.
Thanks. Bull got 1 of the opens while we were gone.
Not happy about the chin-ball harness. First, couldn't get it on him - too small. We punched new holes in it to get it on him. Got home today - gone. We looked, but we will have to look better tomorrow. errr.
87% conception is great. I'm happy anytime I'm able to stick over 70% on first service AI.

Look forward to seeing you calves hit the ground. Be sure to post pictures.
How was the hunting trip?
We leave this coming Thursday.
Playing catch up today, tomorrow, and Wednesday.
Took time out of work today (and tomorrow) with our juniors. They want to get some "cow" time in. We are so fortunate to have such a great family to work with. 3 kids with great parents. This is their 4th year, I think with us. They don't have any livestock. They went to NYJ beef producers Spring Preview on their own. Oldest girl won 1st place in the Quiz bowl and 3rd in Judging. There were 96 juniors!!! I am very proud of them.
Helped my best friend ultra sound 80 Hd today. 43 cows and 37 hfrs. He's been AI'ing his own for about 20years. His embryologist does the ultrasounding. 86% stuck A.I. 100% bred. 1 hfr carrying twins.
Got another 70 to check Friday. Hope they check as good.

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