4H kids feeding questions.

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Jun 6, 2021
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Clyde River, Nova Scotia, Canada
I have somehow found myself in charge of a tiny (2 kid) 4H beef class and am lost.
The manual they give talks about why we feed what we feed, but not how much.
The kids would like a chart of some kind, by age and weight, to feed their beef calves.
Is there one out there?

The two kids are feeding a bagged heifer grower or calf ration and free choice hay, but it doesn't say how much to give?
One kid has an unusually small 5 month old simm x angus (not bony just tiny size) and one a whopper of a commercial mix (Angus x Herford x Charolais x Belted Galloway we're told)

Thanks a bunch
I'd under feed before you over feed . I'd start with a small scoop ( co op or tractor supply) gradually increase as they grow . Don't give more than they will clean up in 10-15 minutes. Pay attention to their manure . If they are getting too much it may scour them . I'd give hay free choice if they don't have access to grass . There are a lot of good folks on here that might can tell you how much by weight.
The previous advice is good. If you want percentages feed 2.5 to 2.75% of their body weight. Some will say up to 3% but you chance getting heifers over finished if you feed like a show steer.
I have somehow found myself in charge of a tiny (2 kid) 4H beef class and am lost.
The manual they give talks about why we feed what we feed, but not how much.
The kids would like a chart of some kind, by age and weight, to feed their beef calves.
Is there one out there?

The two kids are feeding a bagged heifer grower or calf ration and free choice hay, but it doesn't say how much to give?
One kid has an unusually small 5 month old simm x angus (not bony just tiny size) and one a whopper of a commercial mix (Angus x Herford x Charolais x Belted Galloway we're told)

Thanks a bunch
How old are these calves? How long weaned? And at what age were they weaned? Where are you located @dandkadams? You need to go back into your profile, and add your location. You get a lot more and better advice when people know where you are in the country.
Not sure if I can can or how to update a post, sorry for being vague, this is all new to me.
The kids have been more freestyle feeding up till now but need to have numbers for their record keeping aspect of the project and to help prepare them to purchase new calves in the spring.

1 calf was born March 8th (the small one, Simmental angus mix) and was self weaned at 8 weeks, she's a little on the small side so the member is going to start feeding her separated to make sure no ne is stealing her food, she would like to know how much she should be feeding by weight.
The calf is not showing any signs of malnutrition but would be scored a high 2 on the body score, ideally shed like to get her to a high 3 by end of September when she shows again.
She is grained alone at 7 AM then put on pasture (which is not great so free choice hay is given as well) and then put to bed in her stall at dusk and given grain and hay again
The member would like to know what the "standard" amount of grain would be?
Shes being told 2.5% of the body weight.

The second members calf is free range with a flock of sheep and a donkey for company, id put in at night alone in stall with grain and hay and out at dusk.
He is less worried about body score as his calf is almost too big, but needs to know what the "correct" amount of feed is?

We do also have a member struggling with a dairy calf, 12 months old, that has lost weight in the summer heat. Body score a 2 that needs to gain. UTD on worming etc... Thinking its just the heat got her and have recommended giving more hay for free choice at all times and keep and eye on her poop. Vet says nothing wrong with her that they can see so up the feed.
Didn't have a number in lbs to give them

Thanks for any help.

** Located in South West Nova Scotia Canada for reference, I'm not sure I updated my profile accurately.
If your BCS is accurate they sound like poor choices for 4H projects. the recommended feed % in previous post may not be accurate for poor BCSs in the #2 range. I would base amount fed on weight gain and nutrition levels of the feed you are feeding. for example free choice hay does not mean they are getting proper nutrition. a good quality grassy/alfalfa hay has a much different nutritional value than heat damaged waterway grass. your local vet or feed supplier would be a good sources of info and be able to confirm a BCS of 1 or 2.
Sorry yall, seeems our 4H has it's own body score chart, 3 is ideal. 1 is super skinny, 2 needs work, 3 is ideal , 4 is a bit heavy, 5 is too fat.
Thanks for the above link!
I'm going to look at it ASAP to help me understand yall better
How old are your members? Can they calculate feed values and volumes?

This might help as well:

Age (Months)Weight (Pounds)Starter Feed (Grain)Forage (Hay/Pasture)Total Daily Intake
1-2 Months200-4002-4 lbs4-6 lbs6-10 lbs
3-4 Months400-6004-6 lbs6-8 lbs10-14 lbs
5-6 Months600-8006-8 lbs8-10 lbs14-18 lbs
7-8 Months800-1,0008-10 lbs10-12 lbs18-22 lbs
9-10 Months1,000-1,20010-12 lbs12-14 lbs22-26 lbs
11-12 Months1,200-1,40012-14 lbs14-16 lbs26-30 lbs
Made this myself! Hopefully this is helpful!
I get the impression that we're going for consistency and could be less honed in on pin point accuracy.
I would get a cheap weight tape. You can order them lots of places. You measure the calf and write it down. Feed 1% of their body weight of grain and all the hay that they will clean up. And plenty of clean water.
Have the kids remeasre/weigh the calves each week and record their weights. They can increase feed each week according to their findings.

Good luck, and thank you for helping young people learn and grow in the livestock world.
How old are your members? Can they calculate feed values and volumes?

This might help as well:

9 and 14
Age (Months)Weight (Pounds)Starter Feed (Grain)Forage (Hay/Pasture)Total Daily Intake
1-2 Months200-4002-4 lbs4-6 lbs6-10 lbs
3-4 Months400-6004-6 lbs6-8 lbs10-14 lbs
5-6 Months600-8006-8 lbs8-10 lbs14-18 lbs
7-8 Months800-1,0008-10 lbs10-12 lbs18-22 lbs
9-10 Months1,000-1,20010-12 lbs12-14 lbs22-26 lbs
11-12 Months1,200-1,40012-14 lbs14-16 lbs26-30 lbs
Made this myself! Hopefully this is helpful!
I would weigh weekly, worm every other month if needed, free choice grass hay!

If breeding heifers feed 2.5% of body weight, if market heifers feed 3% of body weight...

do you have pictures of your heifers?

What feed are you feeding, how much pounds daily, and how much currently do the heifers weigh?

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