4-H Hereford Steer not eating grain

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I have a 800 pound steer that got 20 pounds of ground ear corn when he was eating. He also gets 2 flakes of alfalfa 1st cutting and an hour out in the grass pasture. He wont even eat 2 pounds of grain. He has been like this for a week. He does not have bloat. Any help would be great. THANKS
Try giving him free-choice hay/grass until his gut gets back to normal, then gradually start with grain again.

Cattle need a certain amount of roughage in their diet in order to stimulate the rumen and move the food through. My guess is his roughage to grain ration was way off. If the ratio is off it can also change the pH of the gut. It will take some time and lots of roughage to get him back to normal.

> I have a 800 pound steer that got
> 20 pounds of ground ear corn when
> he was eating. He also gets 2
> flakes of alfalfa 1st cutting and
> an hour out in the grass pasture.
> He wont even eat 2 pounds of
> grain. He has been like this for a
> week. He does not have bloat. Any
> help would be great. THANKS

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