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Nice day in the north. We were in the high 20s F today and brought in the whole herd to pour for lice, sort off the bred cull cows and put the bred heifers in their own pasture. Mostly nice, but had little snow squalls off and on after we got them worked. The horseback part at the end of the day trailing the keepers back to the far pasture was a little cold with 20 mph wind out away from the barn.
142 steers left here for feedlot where other 100 has been since November. Delivery to new owners is week of March 17. We will feed the cutbacks to kill at the feedlot. Will know when trucks are weighed in and out how they did here. Was -28 Celsius when we loaded. Pinto steer in 2nd and 5th pictures was the one that weighed 800 lbs 6 weeks ago.



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