Cross-7":3dci8a9u said:
It's a daily driver and I don't tow a lot
Half a dozen times a year 60-100 mile trips if that much.
I'm going back to a gas pickup and fuel mileage is the biggest reason for wanting a 1/2 ton
I could keep a 3/4 ton for towing but the insurance, tags, a place to park it taking up space and it sitting 99% of the time, so I'd like to avoid that but that may be the best option if the 1/2 cant handle it
Got ya. It can definitely be done. You can adjust you loads to what you are comfortable pulling.
Ill throw out a couple things out there to think about.
By the time you put good pasture/ towing tires on a half ton with all the tools and stuff your gas millage may be 2 or 3mpgs better than a 3/4 ton at best.
There is not that much price difference between a new 3/4 ton and new 1/2 ton. Maybe a couple grand at most.
Things are not the same as they use to be. You load up 9, #1200 cows and have a wreck they will sue you and your insurance co may not back you. Check your ratings and add in the trailer weight.
When I was growing up no one had any thing more than a 1/2 ton in my family. My dad and uncles use to drive miles and miles to feed cattle in and old car with a bed built on the back. Any thing those trucks couldn't handle we contracted out. If we needed to move tractors and equipment down the road we drove them. I drove tractors when I was 10 years old, 15 mph for 40 miles, from one place to another. We rode the majority of the time on the toolbox from place to place.... BUT.... back in those days we could go from property to property and never meet a car. If we did meet some one we knew them. If there were more than 3 cars we followed them because some thing was wrong some where. On those same roads today you can pass 20 cars now going from one place to another and they are hauling butt. 6 or 7 years ago I was hit from behind on a tractor and Im lucky to be here. We haul our tractors and equipment now. People will not slow down and cut you any slack.
Also a couple years ago I was towing a jeep back on a low boy. Not much of a load. It could easily be done with a 1/2 ton. A 18 wheeler with a float pulled out and got hung up across hw 59. We all started locking brakes up and sliding. I was the front truck and stopped 10' from a float right above hood level with that jeep. I was very glad I had those big breaks, exhaust brakes, and what ever else they put on the 3/4 tons.
Personally, if I can help it I would much rather run on the low side of some things operating range than the high. Things like the jeep instance have happened multiple times to me. No matter how careful you are you cant dodge the idiots around you.
That's just my opinion based on my experiences... but it could be the brain washing talking also. :tiphat: