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  1. okiek

    I Hate Em

    I only live 2 miles from the refuge as the crow flies. I agree those numbers are insane and may be extremely exaggerated but I've seen them up and I know they are shooting full auto. One more reason I want to go up to help!!!
  2. okiek

    I Hate Em

    I see this thread is super old but I had an interesting "fact" to share. A few years back I moved back to my homeplace in south central OK. Once a year "they" ( Can't remember if it's the wildlife dept. or USDA) shoot hogs from a helicopter in the Tishomingo Wildlife refuge very near me. I...
  3. okiek

    Pendleton Roundup

    Funny you mention a bike. My wife and I have ridden 46 of the lower 48 2 weeks at at a time every summer. A friend retired to Kila, MT. We rode there to see him in 2018 with the intent of all of us riding on up to Calgary (Our bike had never seen a trailer either). Somewhere in WY, my wife...
  4. okiek

    Pendleton Roundup

    Pendleton and Calgary are the only two left on my bucket list I haven't been to. As a former calf roper the way they run the roping events really intrigues me!!
  5. okiek

    Drought sell off starting in West Central Oklahoma

    I'm south central OK and very dry! Got two inches this week but it's two late for real growth other than the little cool season grass I have. I haven't had to cull yet because of it but I was extremely strict on rotating every 3-4 days this year with electric fence. That has gotten VERY...
  6. okiek

    Army Worms

    I hate these threads.....They make me PARANOID!! I'm 130 miles NW of you and haven't seen any....Nor do I want to!!
  7. okiek

    Hormone Implants

    I implant all my steer calves with Ralgro when I band them near birth. They get a second dose at vaccination time. Never seen an ear problem with them. I like the results but when you do the all it's hard to give specifics. I've never kept a control group of the same calves.
  8. okiek

    A Few Photos

    Definitely good bird country. I've hunted a lot of that area too.
  9. okiek

    A Few Photos

    Thanks for sharing. That's good looking quail country! I've killed a lot of birds from Elk City to Cheyenne to Guymon over the past 35 years!!
  10. okiek

    Wormer question

    I definitely agree with the 2 prong approach Lucky recommended. I've had 2 vets who do nothing but cattle strongly suggest that approach. It pays off. Safeguard + Cydectin for me for the ones that need it in the spring.
  11. okiek

    Moving day

    That's AWESOME I don't care who says otherwise!!! I want to move pastures that way but they're 6 miles apart and you'd have to go right through the middle of town. I suspect they'd frown on it!
  12. okiek

    Sealing stock tank?

    I'm late to the party so I see you've applied a remedy. I did this exact thing to a big trough 2 years ago. Used a wire wheel on a battery driver to clean it a little and used the spray can flex seal at the seam inside and out. Two years later and no leaks.
  13. okiek

    Maine Anjou help

    Thanks for the replies!
  14. okiek

    Maine Anjou help

    My bull is slated to go in with them Friday. These heifers are Feb and March 2020 heifers and average 800lb. They will calve at the house and will be watched very close. I just don't know what the CED and BW tendencies are for Maine cattle.
  15. okiek

    Maine Anjou help

    Got to my south place yesterday and found a yearling, horned, black Maine bull in with my commercial Red Angus heifers. He's back where he belongs now but we think he had been with my heifers 3 days. Let's assume for argument he bred several. I know nothing about Maines except what I've seen...
  16. okiek

    Preg Checking

    Silver hit the nail on the head as to ehy I have them palpated, though I have considered trying to change up a little and just do a blood test.
  17. okiek

    Show your calf pictures.

    I'm disappointed TC had to call out their own thread about the ear tags. Any time I post a calf pic that's the first thing people call me out for!!! :p I agree though about them growing into them and with my vision I need all the help I can get!!!
  18. okiek

    Preg Checking

    My vets do nothing but cattle and when I need them, I REALLY need them. I'd love to do my own preg checking but I can't. The only thing I really need it for is to tell me if she's bred or not. No need to keep an open cow on my place. I have a 60 day window now that I worked hard to get to so...
  19. okiek

    Scrotal Circumference

    I was pretty worried about the BSE this year due to the extreme cold roughly 60 days ago. It caught me more off guard than it should have and I had no real bedding down. However, this was yesterday's results. SC was 43, >90% normal morphology, and M4 concentration. My vet does almost nothing...
  20. okiek

    Scrotal Circumference

    Here is my latest personal experience. I had a yearling bull last year. BSE was done within days of him being a year old. At that time his SC was 38. I put him on 5 heifers in late April which later calved in a 2 week period. I turned him in with 13 older cows in May. All but one of those...