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  1. D

    Will the real Warren Allison…

    It sure is.
  2. D

    Will the real Warren Allison…

    Just let it go. He is smarter than any of us still on this board.
  3. D

    Winter storm

    7" of snow about 1" of ice on top of it. More snow coming. Blue circle is our location
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    Will the real Warren Allison…

    Not trying to stir **** but I have been to his place and talked with him privately many times, Ron is smarter than he let on here. Yes, I’m very aware that he rubbed people the wrong way. I get it. He mostly did it on purpose, I think he was bored.
  5. D

    Will the real Warren Allison…

    Extremely smart dude.
  6. D

    Balancer or purebred

    this is how I see it.
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    Unusual question about fertility

    Clone if you want it bad enough
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    Beef 2024

    What time are we having steak?
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    Are these f1 Wagyu's looking finished?

    Talk to your customers. Ask them if they are willing to pay for A5-A4 beef.
  10. D

    Are these f1 Wagyu's looking finished?

    Not to pile on but the guy that sold them knows what he is talking about. It takes so much time to get these animals to marble. The meat will be more tender at 26 months than it is at 19 months IF they are fed correctly.
  11. D

    Culling and replacing

    Not our experience with shorthorns in the feedlots. Of course we use Canadian shorthorn genetics and not American show genetics. The biggest problem is they don’t qualify for cab when they are roan like my heifer above. The rest of our calves with her breeding are black. Heck we have 5/8...
  12. IMG_7050.jpeg


  13. D

    Culling and replacing

    This one is 7/8 Sim.
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    New from South Africa

    Welcome to Cattletoday Welvaren.
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    Hurricane Helene

    My power has been out since Friday morning and the power company says it will be Wed. Before any hope of power coming back on. The storm got here and just stalled. 50 mph winds with 75 mph gust for 5 hours on top of 8 inches of rain. The ground got soft and our trees just couldn’t handle it...
  16. D

    Yearly baseball ⚾️ trip

    When you come to Cincinnati start a post on here and I will buy you a beer at the stadium. It's a little less than 2 hours from my house. One of the better places to watch a baseball game in my opinion.
  17. D

    Do my steers look close to finished?

    The steers are done enough. Could they stand to put on another 100lbs, probably. Will it make the meat that much better, NO! And the cost to get them there for somebody feeding two steers is not worth it.
  18. D

    Horn gene ? and misc. BQA and observations.

    Uni of Ky ext has gone off the deep end with their calving ease nonsense. Looks like it is coming from the University itself. Sad.
  19. D

    Tough ground beef.

    Yes and mixed with 73-17 ground beef. It would be fine. A lot of work though.
  20. D

    Cows calves by 3/4 Angus 1/4 Hereford bull.

    I’m a sucker for them.