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  1. C


    In the northern plains its been running around $1.40-1.50/ day feed only for a typical growing calf. That's figuring around $4.50 corn a slight premium over corn for distillers and market hay prices. 17 pounds dry matter intake. Yardage is running $0.40/day. That's $170/ ton dry matter feed...
  2. C


    I haven't commented here in years. Recently jumped back on with the thought or reaching out to the community asking how they calculated cost of gain and run breakevens for feeder cattle. That was months ago & I've been lurking ever since. I'm a consulting nutritionist and what I see working with...
  3. C

    Selenium guidelines anyone?

    Can you post a tag? With all the wording. Not just the specs. I'm guessing they labeled for intake 1/3 of what they actually eat so you get 9mg but the tag say max 3?
  4. C

    Selenium guidelines anyone?

    The US regulations cover national products and custom products. Any products that's labeled intake exceeds 3mg Se/h/d would be illegal. Per head per day is the key here. You have to take the ppm (same as mg/kg) then multiple by the labeled intake (in kilograms not pounds or ounces) that number...
  5. C

    Selenium guidelines anyone?

    Nutritionist here. Someone else hinted at the reason later in the thread. The reason is Se is regulated by the US government which says cattle cannot consume more than 3 mg of Se/h/d or 0.3 ppm on a dietary basis. The label is basically saying "hey don't feed any more selenium or what you are...
  6. C

    Weaning on feed and Teff Hay

    No you are not crazy to feed 3-4 pounds of corn along with this hay. Nutritionists formulate the energy portion of growing/finishing rations based off the NEg number you see in that test. Most weaning rations they formulate are in the mid 40's to low 50's NEg. Keep in mind the more corn you...
  7. C


    Technical correction here. The term "Chelated" refers to a type of chemical bond between the metal & an organic molecule. This is an "umbrella term" for organic trace minerals. There are many types of organic trace minerals on market and the most well known would be Availa sold by Zinpro. Those...
  8. C

    MultiMin 90

    Quality free choice mineral has a place on pretty much anyone's place. Multmin has a place- but just on pretty much no one's place. That's a big over simplicition. But on the majority of ranches I've see use it with success weren't using a high quality mineral at the time & would likely have...
  9. C

    Liquid Feed Results

    All beef cattle ration balancing programs are based off the NRC's predictive equations. The intake predictive part of the equation is based off body weight. It assumes no factors limit intake. Its been a long time since I read the KSU paper where they measured this in steers consuming dormant...
  10. C

    Liquid Feed Results

    I'm assuming we are talking native winter range here. Which in that case 55% TDN is high & depending on where in Texas- maybe way to high. Most alfalfa hay will run between 50-60% TDN for reference. If he is SE texas near Arkansas where it rains a lot & they raise a bunch of grass. NDF could be...
  11. C

    Small Acreage Dry (feed) Lot

    Most common number I see in feedlots is 150-200 square feet/hd. So it would probably hold up to about 10-13 head of cattle comfortably.
  12. C

    Feed rations

    You want to know the total ration. I must have misread the question‐ i thought you just wanted feedback on the premixes. Regardless of my mistake, really easy math to take my premix protein values & get the ration protein values as dry matter will be similar between the hay & premix.
  13. C

    Feed rations

    Grass hay is a really really wide range- so its hard to be exact. Fiber would be fine in all of them. If you are growing them still protein would probably be fine in the two lower ones assuming grass is about 10%. You want protein 13-16%. Energy would be a little lower than ideal in all rations...
  14. C

    Feed rations

    This is what I came up, with premix only-not including grass. 22.5, 54 neg 20 cp, 40 neg, 27 cp, 62neg Protein is too high in all of them. Need to add corn to dilute Protein & increase energy if finishing cattle.
  15. C

    liquid protein supplement

    In commercial supplements (things you buy from a feed company) like liquid feed, cake, mineral, or tubs. The feed analysis numbers on the tag are "as fed". So if the protein in a cake or liquid is listed at 25% and you feed 1 pound the cattle get 0.25 lbs of protein. Protein in feedstuffs (stuff...
  16. C

    Bio Moss in lick tubs for fiber digestion

    So a lot going on here. I'll try to answer everything. But this is a somewhat complicated discussion... First biomos (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and it's competitive products. I don't believe these products improve fiber digestion. I've seen some research where they improve feed efficiency & I...
  17. C

    Feedyard Question

    Generally speaking- feeding up to that 800ish pounds allows people a way of marketing their home raised feedstuffs (hay) as the diet is generally about 50% roughage. After they hit this weight for most producers 90% of the diet is purchased ingredients (corn & distillers). The fat cattle market...
  18. C

    Feedyard Question

    Adding 500 lbs and a goal of 75 dollars/ head means the value of gain is $0.15/ pound higher than the cost of gain. I don't think that's unreasonable if you are buying small groups & putting together semi loads. Yardage is typically considered the operating cost of a feedyard & is generally...
  19. C

    Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC)

    Depending on how many cattle you own superior livestock auction would be a good market for NHTC. I'm not a huge NHTC fan, I think often you give up too much performance. Cow-calf guys probably give up 20 pounds. Feedlots probably $100/hd advantage. You have to have a pretty good premium to cover...
  20. C

    What am I doing wrong?

    Replace your current mixer wagon spout with one that has magnets on it. If yours already has one make sure you clean it every day. Easy way to reduce hardware. When I was working at a commercial feedyard after each day the spout would have collected about as much metal as shown in the above...