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  1. C

    Electric Fence Advice

    i always have hay in the next pen, separating hundreds of cows with 1 strand of wire. then I go out and unroll it all with tthem standing there waiting on me. sometimes they'll try to push each other into the wire but they'll jump on each other rather than touch it. get rid of the...
  2. C

    Family Farms are Overrated

    can't make any money when you're handed a farm? I started with nothing with no help and I make plenty profit (hint: its 6 figures) I couldn't imagine having the family help out, share costs, share work, etc. Don't start at the family farm if you don't have a written contract detailing what...
  3. C

    Plain sorta weather

    i usually try to go to a parker store to get any made.. if they are outside lines i'll have them wrap them in that metal wire guard.
  4. C

    How steep is too steep?

    i'd bale that
  5. C

    Family Farms are Overrated

    instead of chasing money, people need to be chasing quality of life.
  6. C

    Artificial intelligence cant be controlled

    not only that but your biometrics is extremely valuable information for them to obtain.
  7. C

    Hay Barn Design

    i have one built exactly like that. I just painted it. duct taped a pole onto my spray gun to get the top.
  8. C

    Hay Barn Design

    also, cats might be smokin weed in there and burn it all up.
  9. C

    Daily Chuckle

  10. C

    Kroger using facial recognition tech to change prices based on your ability to pay
  11. C

    Hay Barn Design

    Like Chevy.. Ive never had a problem in hay barns w/ equipment b/c I have cats in there. I parked a tractor in a barn I have in the back 40 w/ no one around for a mile. I left it up there for a week and a field rat go in there, chewed the seat belt in half and made a nest up in the fan as...
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  13. C

    Well Pump Trouble

    this won't help right now but what size is your pressure tank? I see all the time these guys installing the smallest pressure tanks. With that depth I'd have atleast (2) 120 gallon tanks. That way the pump isn't turning on for a short time and turning off. it will really lengthen the life.
  14. C

    Sold some

    yep. these guys are wanting them light . not worth it to keep them unless you have very cheap feed and time.
  15. C

    Just joined! 1st Generation, Advice Wanted/Needed (:

    condescending answer huh? you're the one with 5 acres bro. You're not even CONSIDERED A FARM (10 ac min) you probably can't even have animals. You guys think I gave him bad advice.. plant trees .. its 5 acres.. haha. vs.. become a seedstock producer for pharo..!! ! or...
  16. C

    Updating our Working Facilities

    yea right.. 100 acres to the cow minimum???? around you.. you're talking hundreds of thousands of acres for that many cows. I'm sure you know hundreds of people with thousands of cows all around you. btw I didn't have to drive down the road past the church and through the woods to see...
  17. C

    Updating our Working Facilities

    I really like everyones "small beef herd" around here. 200 pairs? small. 120 cows? small. crazy cuz i've been all over and I very rarely ever see any herds larger than 50 pairs. I live in cow/calf country and its still pretty rare to see over 100 cows in a place. to prove a...
  18. C

    Updating our Working Facilities

    pipe will drive a lot better than those posts in that rock.
  19. C

    Fertilizing in progress.

    we just got around 5 inches last night. we'll go sledding today b/c tomorrow it will be 42.
  20. C

    Fertilizing in progress.

    I preset the bales out, and then I roll them out with my UTV. Right now I have 12 days of feed out where I do not need to start a tractor. I built some brackets and put wheels on the front of my UTV and unroll the bales like that. works great and cuts feeding time by almost 2 hours.