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  1. M

    Price of beef

    Thanks everyone for the advice. I just sold the 3 cows at .50cents/lb liveweight. :)
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    Price of beef

    Hello, I am selling three cows. A gentleman offered me .50cents per pound liveweight. I thought they were .85cents to $1.00 per pound liveweight. Is his figure in the ballpark or is he trying to buy them at half price? The cows are Scottish Highlands and ages 4-7. So what is the market bringing...
  3. M

    Another formula for feeding hay?

    Hello everyone. I would like to ask you fine folks your opinion. When feeding various kinds of animals it could be said that you give them enough feed so that they eat it all in 20 minutes (example). Now I know that by doing a search here, that there is a formula for feeding hay (feed 3% of...
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    how much hay for growing bulls

    Hey Alan, did I do the math correctly? 1 cow weighing 1000lbs. should get 1/2bale per day? Also, is this assuming no pasture available at all (ie: snow)? And no supplemental grain? I am assuming that it is good hay with proper energy and protein levels. Thank you....Dennis
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    Hey Warpaint, can I have the Northeastern Sales District in that cattle blanket business? ....Dennis
  6. M

    Cannot find calf, - pictures

    Hi Alice. Isn't this a great forum?
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    Cannot find calf, - pictures

    I went out early this morning to find the calf. The calf was at her mother's side. Both calves are doing well. Thank you for everyone's help! :D
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    Cannot find calf, - pictures

    I have 3 Miniature Highlands due in September. One was born yesterday (the blonde cow's calf) and one was born today (the dun cow's calf). These are the first Highland calves I have ever had. I cannot find the calf that was born yesterday. Yesterday I saw it and got this picture, but today I...
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    Need wintering tips for Highlands

    Hello, this is my first year with Highlands. I live as far north in Vermont as you can get, right next to the Canadian border, on a mountain that gets alot of snow. I would like to know how some of you that live in such an environment winter your cows. Do you keep them outside all winter? How do...
  10. M

    How much hay for winter ?

    Be careful throwing those bales. I am recovering from a hernia operation that was required from moving only 40 bales. I guess I am not superman after all. Take your time....Dennis
  11. M

    Scottish Highland cattle

    Hey 6M Ranch, I just wanted to let you know that I agree with your statement that breeding for a single trait could be dangerous. But I would add that responsible breeders of miniatures do not just breed for just one trait alone. The animal has to be of sound and correct conformation as well as...
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    Scottish Highland cattle

    Hi will salo, there are a few breeders of Miniature Scottish Highlands here in the USA. As was previously mentioned, go to: . If you contact him (Rick Sanders 209-245-6973 ), he can tell you of some breeders that may be near you. He is the breed registrar...