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  1. M

    Thank you

    Time flies!!! I sometimes wonder about the people that just stop posting for no apparent reason.
  2. M

    Momma and baby update. Cows.

    Mastitis is a tough one. You will have to be diligent with treatments or her milk production will be severely affected.
  3. M

    Do my steers look close to finished?

    The brisket being full and rounded are my go to indicator at a glance. Also fat on the tail-head. If they are gaining weight and showing decent fat cover they will be adequate for most people! Those high choice and prime market cattle or a different deal altogether.
  4. M

    Having trouble finding the teet

    Did you give selenium?
  5. M

    Feeder futures

    You don't need feeders to trade in that market. It is like the difference in trading GM stock or being a dealer selling there cars. They are tied together very loosely. Trades can put you in and out of the market in a fraction of a second, producing beef takes a bit longer!
  6. M

    Show me your idea of the perfect cow

    So why do you list 2 locations? That must be confusing to a lot of people.
  7. M

    Trees to pasture...any advice

    Take repairs into consideration! There are not many cheap repairs when you have a problem. Some would pay a big part of the hired cost.
  8. M

    Calculators and Cattle Feed

    I sure hope you are ''done''. It would make it a lot more enjoyable reading and interacting on this great ''cattle'' forum.
  9. M

    Calculators and Cattle Feed

    It would be nice if you could set the amount for someone else to spend. Any time I sell anything I have to have a willing buyer!;)
  10. M


    Beat you by a couple of days! A lot of very good folks have come and gone in that time!
  11. M

    Hard Pill to Swallow

    How do you set a price on something that is not for sale? These cattle did not get hit by the train on the way to the sale!
  12. M

    Burger Ques. # 2

    It makes better burger if they will. It looses moisture and intensifies the flavor.
  13. M

    Lease tact

    Will they be able to keep the lease after you get the property? I would not put effort into the deal knowing that I would have to turn it back.
  14. M

    Feeder futures

    Always remember you only make money when the board moves. A lot of money made on the way down and the same happens going up. Computer trades take a fraction of a second to move the MKT when the big funds are involved.
  15. M

    Feeder futures

    Bird flu transmitted from a dairy cow to a human. I believe it was in Texas. Info was released on Friday I think. Mkt should bounce back unless more info comes forward.
  16. M

    Post a random picture

    Rome plow!! I was drafted in 68, my AIT was 62E20 '' dozer operator'. They trained a lot of folks to use them to clear jungle in Vietnam.:('
  17. M


    Feeding chicken litter?
  18. M

    Hogs on milk?

    Those sows made some very good sausage!!!
  19. M

    Hogs on milk?

    Those over-fat hogs are not modern genetics. Commercial hogs today tend to be very lean. Berks are used by a lot of people to put fat into there pork.
  20. M

    Mostly Heifer calves

    Just use the previous years,it works just as well.:cool: