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  1. K


    We have so much crabgrass that we have started making baleage with it.
  2. K

    planting Johnson grass early

    LOL - most in my area try to kill it. I personally would plant something else other than JG if I were going to the expense and trouble.
  3. K

    Baleage wrap cost

    We paid $7.00 per bale for inline.
  4. K

    2019 Lime Prices

    Lime cost here is $60 per ton delivered and spread. However, I did find another source that would deliver a minimum of 25 ton for $39. Just have to find a way to spread it.
  5. K

    Testing Baleage

    Thanks Jeanne. Thought that would be the way to do it but wanted to make sure.
  6. K

    Testing Baleage

    OK, thanks. Do I wait the time required before the baleage is ready (6 - 8 weeks) or after the bales are wrapped?
  7. K

    Testing Baleage

    For those that have and use baleage in you operation, when, or do you, test the baleage? I'm guessing when you start to feed to the cows but am concerned if the results were to come back as a low quality feed. This is our first year trying baleage and have wrapped about 150 rolls.
  8. K

    Potential lease place. Grazing land will need some work

    Yes, take heed to this post. Regardless of your relationship with the land owner, I would have a written lease in hand. It protects both of you. From looks at pictures, you're going to have to put a lot into it to get it "pasture" ready. Fencing, bush hogging, spraying, seed, etc., is going...
  9. K

    It's a haylage year.

    Man that looks good!! What kind of grass are you wrapping there? And, just curious as to how many rolls you have wrapped and how many head of cattle you have too.
  10. K

    Should I buy ?

    The heifer has some good numbers if that's what you're looking at. Very good numbers for marbling and rib eye. What is your plan with this heifer - are you going to breed her or are you looking to make this a donor and flush embryos? Heifer is over 200 on dollar beef and with the right bull...
  11. K


    Just for what it's worth, Danny Ford (ex Clemson Football Coach) is the largest grower of hemp in South Carolina
  12. K

    Price for cutting and baling hay

    I cut and rake. I have one farmer who charges $6.25 per roll and another farmer who charges $10 per roll. Both are 5 X 5 rolls. Depends on which farm I'm at on which farmer I use.
  13. K

    Sprayer calibration - 15 or 20 GPA

    That's the word I was looking for Brute - more conentrated. Thanks for all the comments. Just wondering how others felt and thought.
  14. K

    Sprayer calibration - 15 or 20 GPA

    I understand all the comments but I think some are missing the main point. Either way, 15 or 20 GPA, I'd still be using the same amount of chemical but would be using less water to make the mix. Example (going from memory) I believe that grazon is 2 pints per acre (if it's something else, just...
  15. K

    Sprayer calibration - 15 or 20 GPA

    I've always sprayed at 20 gallons per acre. Recently had a farmer tell me that he always sprays at 15 gallons per acre. Using less water and the mix is a little hotter. He has faster and better results with this setting. Never thought about this but can see his point on less water and having...
  16. K

    What do you think

    If I had the option, I'd always choose net wrap.
  17. K

    Like it was January

    Been two weeks since we've had to feed hay and some of it still on the ground. Early warm weather has got pastures greening early. Looks like we could start cutting and rolling hay in a couple of weeks.
  18. K


    Most years we can get three cuttings of bermuda but that's with all conditions being right. Not sure that you would get the numbers you desire though. You may have to overseed in the fall with rye to get an early spring cutting but not sure what that would do to the bermuda later on.
  19. K

    Custom Hay work

    I agree that there are many places to work that pay more than $10 per hour but at $10 per roll or $5 per roll, how many rolls can you get in 4 hours?
  20. K

    Custom Hay work

    I had two different people last year to roll for me. I cut, tedded and raked. The first person cost me $10 per roll. Later on the next cutting I had, I done the same thing and the other person only charged me $5 per roll. Neither was net wrapped. Both were 4 X 5 rolls. The $5 roll was a...