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  1. Down in Dixie

    Upgrade time. Red baldies!

    They look healthy and well fed. What is the plan to breed them to?
  2. Down in Dixie

    Upgrade time. Red baldies!

    Don’t leave us with that cliff hanger.
  3. Down in Dixie

    Graze On? never sprayed ground with millions of tree sprouts after bushhogging...some regular hay and pasture ground too

    From my experience 2-4D has stunted my clover but has never killed it. Maybe if sprayed heavy enough it could kill it but just spraying normal amounts for me it has only stunted it.
  4. Down in Dixie

    Graze On? never sprayed ground with millions of tree sprouts after bushhogging...some regular hay and pasture ground too

    Remedy for woody plant control. Grazon will kill clover. 2-4D won’t kill clover but it’s not as good as grazon either. I’m no expert so do your research.
  5. Down in Dixie

    Drought sell off starting in West Central Oklahoma

    Not bad for a cow at all. Just helped a neighbor take some cows today and culled two cows. I just hope the old broke mouth cows bring more than $800
  6. Down in Dixie

    Are these f1 Wagyu's looking finished?

    I mix a sweet feed and corn. I vary my mixtures depending on what stage of the feed out I’m in. Just mix corn in with your feed and your good to go.
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  9. Down in Dixie

    Are these f1 Wagyu's looking finished?

    They should be eating about double the feed. My f1 Wagyu are going to the processor about the same time and they are cleaning up about 22 lbs of feed per head a day. This close to the end I would cut out the cotton seed and pour the corn to them. I will get some pics of mine later. Yours look...
  10. Down in Dixie

    College football Saturday tradition

    We don’t need to bring up Saturday. I know the peanuts were better than the game.
  11. Down in Dixie

    Post your broke down equipment pictures

    I see this and it makes me think about the movie Cars. Kachow
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  13. Down in Dixie

    Post your broke down equipment pictures

    All were different occasions. Actually broke two lift arms on that tractor. I use a hay mower caddy now.
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  18. Down in Dixie

    College football Saturday tradition

    War Eagle!!!🦅