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  1. midTN_Brangusman

    Feeder futures

    Thanks Kenny I saw that, only problem is a LRP isnt available on August yet. They said it will probably be another month until August will be available for a LRP. Another option is to hedge or buy a put. I have hedged but dont like it due to no upside if market was to go up. Does anyone have...
  2. midTN_Brangusman

    Fence cost

    Dave, would a hotwire be feasible? I know its rough terrain but would sure save a ton of money and labor.
  3. midTN_Brangusman

    Feeder futures

    Does anyone know when August 2025 feeder cattle futures will start trading? I have a couple of loads of lightweight calves I have been buying and want to lock in before this thing tanks.
  4. midTN_Brangusman

    diphtheria or pneumonia ?

    Sounds like respiratory. I would put the calf on a 3 day treatment of Nuflor at 6 ml per 100 weight. Also a shot of banamine will help reduce inflammation, which is why the calf is most likely opening its mouth to breathe.
  5. midTN_Brangusman

    Pot belly calves..

    Judging by the dung on the tail, calf could use a good oral drench wormer like Valbazen.
  6. midTN_Brangusman

    Feeder futures

    Kenny I locked mine in at 2.70. Sure glad I did.
  7. midTN_Brangusman

    Headgate or squeeze chute

    The Brisket bar is a must have for me now. Bought a chute with one in it, didn't know how i would like it but it has made me a fan. Whether castrating or preg checking, keeps them up and saves a lot of time.
  8. 6.PNG


  9. midTN_Brangusman

    Feeder futures

    2015 they dropped like a rock from outer space.
  10. midTN_Brangusman

    Feeder futures

    Feeder cattle futures down hard again. Makes you wonder. How low will they go? Is this the next 2015?
  11. midTN_Brangusman


    I sure will !
  12. midTN_Brangusman


    Thanks Lucky! What are you going on plant, ryegrass?
  13. midTN_Brangusman

    Pulling show steers with tractor.

    Dont see why it wouldnt work. Thats how i break all my colts to lead. Helps if you have a boom pole. They can pull, jerk and drag all they want, doesnt take long for them to catch on. Main thing is to start slow.
  14. midTN_Brangusman


    Lucky, have you been able to use yours yet? I just bought one very similar. Mine is a 2021 Great Plains NTS 2611, got less than 100 hours on it.
  15. NTS1.PNG


  16. NTS2.PNG


  17. midTN_Brangusman

    Feeder futures

    Board down hard today, anyone know why?
  18. midTN_Brangusman

    Field Navigator App - How to use it.

    I have an iphone, it has saved me a lot of time and chemical. Not sure if its available for android. I'm worse about overlapping more than i am leaving strips. Works well for overseeding as well. I haven't experienced any jumping around with this app.
  19. midTN_Brangusman

    Field Navigator App - How to use it.

    I have had really good luck with the app "Farm Sprayer GPS". Seems to be very accurate, no need for an external GPS system.