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  1. M

    any suggestions?

    It sounds like your horse is barn sour, but you are only having to deal with the last half of the problem. Atleast you got the horse to leave the barn in the beginning. The fact that she is bunched up and dancing tells me 2 things. She's not listening to you and she is in a preliminary explosion...
  2. M

    how do you teach a horse to lounge?

    Lots of good advice here. When lungeing, you're teaching them to drive from the hip. John Lyons definitely has given the right advice and it should have worked (pressure and release for reward) I have a feeling that you quit too soon and that's why it didn't work for you. Remember, that the...
  3. M


    I had a hoof crack last Oct, 04 and don't shoe my horses because they are not ridden hard or on hard ground. Went 10 months trying to trim out the crack every 6 weeks, but it would split upwards faster than the trim could delete it. Last July, Walter was also on hard ground and stomping flies...
  4. M


    She could be 7. Its hard to tell with her being underweight and needing to put on some muscle as well. There is always this wasted look that comes with thinness, and saddens me further to see her in such condition and when she may or may not be in foal. A slow steady gain is what she needs. I...
  5. M

    4-wheeler vs. Horse

    I'm still reeling from the first post. I'm not impressed. I wouldn't wish anything dead, be it my horse or 4 wheeler and have no intention of going to the cattle forum and reading more of his crap.
  6. M

    Breeding Question

    Hi! I'm usually visiting the horse talk forum but came here to ask a question. I stopped by the "Worst Mistake" posts and laughed my head off! Anyway, the thing is, is that I have one don't laugh! Missy B is a Reg. Jersey, 13 years old that I have owned for the last 7 years/5 calves...