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    Veterinary colleges

    LSU Vet School....large animals and small animals...they saved my border collie after three vets recomended putting her down...
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    tax it away

    what are ag exemptions?
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    JD 6605

    looking at the same thing..03 series; 05 series; or 25 series...would appreciate feed back on JD utility tractors...100 acres pasture clipping...
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    What to do with twins?

    i'ver never had trouble with twins..i've got one cow that has had twins three years in a row...i can understand how you did not see one calf for several day...cows with twins will often hide one and only go to it a time or two a will think she has abandoned it, but she hasn't...
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    LT Polled Value 9089 #M501702

    I haven't use him, but I do have a Prime Cut cow and she is a very good producer of cross bred calves...
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    Consistent Color

    i have gotten consistant coloring from charolais cows and a herford bukk for the last three years...neighbor gets consistant color from charolais cattle and braford bull..consistant from charolais caow ans angus bulls...i don't know about beefmaster cattle, i do not think they are a color...
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    calf had a calf

    a friend of mine (no it isn't me) had several heifers exposed to a bull late last summer...we gave them lutalace (sp.) to abort the heifer had a calf last week...she showed little or no sign of being pregnant..she now 15 mths. and the calf seem to be doing well.. he is...
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    Good movies or shows for Kids?

    "where the red fern grows"...."the natural"....."green mile"..."forest gump"....
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    i've got a 5 yr. old cow that hs had 3 sets of twins...2 times were both heifers and 1 time bull and heifer...i sell all my calves so i like twins...they have all weighed over 600 at 7 mths...charolais and herford cross
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    can anyone direct me to a site that details the procedure for hot branding cattle?
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    don't try this at home

    for valentine's day my wife said she wanted something that would do 0 to 200 in 6 seconds...I rushed out and bought her a nice bathroom scale...she wasn't amused...
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    Charolais Attributes

    i keep pb charolais for mama cows...most of the stock is from rogers in collins miss.who has the best maternal group of Charolais cattle in the U.S. they seem to be good mamas..raise calves that topped the sale last 2 years...year before that my vet friend's calves were top.. his were...
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    A the ship began to sink into the ocean, the captain asked if there was any aboard who was really good at praying?... One gentleman stepped up and said that he prayed several times a day and had often seen favorable results.. "Good, the captain said, "cause we're one life jacket short."
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    Favorite/LeastFavoite F1's

    holstien/brahman make great mama cows...because of their milk, they raise a good calf when crossed with a beef breed..i had them for a while, but as mamas they seemed to fall off a lot (become thin) while raising their calf...i couldn't keep the mamas with a good body condition...sold them...
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    Favorite/LeastFavoite F1's

    favorite: Herford on Charolais least favorite:????
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    Did you know?

    the words
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    land trading

    I just did a 1031 exchange..15 acres for 95 acres...value was the worked out smooth for me, but someone someday will have a lot of taxes to pay if it is ever sold...
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    Gut hook knife

    the gut hooks i have seen are for grabbing and twisting the innards not for cutting...i know with a pocket knife usually the gut hook is for cleaning quail or other small game...i've never seen a sharp gut hook...
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    straight charolais

    i plan to put a charolais bull with my charolais cows this year and keep the heifers...they will all be registered stock, but i don't want to be in the "seed stock", or "registered" is just something i like to question is this...has anyone had experience with straight bred...