Recent content by TexasJerseyMilker

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  1. TexasJerseyMilker

    Daily Chuckle

    Oh, that explains it :)
  2. TexasJerseyMilker

    Bull testing

    Test for what?
  3. TexasJerseyMilker

    Miserable weekend coming up

    Wow, what a life :) When people have an abscessed tooth and it comes to a head and drains - gums and oral tissues tend to heal really fast, so it grows over draining hole and fills up the abscess again. It is best to use a water pik set on high and on floss and blast the opening several times...
  4. TexasJerseyMilker

    my One cow dairy

    That's big eyed Daphne, my 13 year old first cow. She was a calf from a dairy in Texas. She has the classic Jersey face. I've always wished for a Jersey heifer from her but that was not to be, all her calves were half Angus. She was bred bred AI a couple of weeks ago sex selected Jersey for a...
  5. TexasJerseyMilker

    my One cow dairy

    After a great deal of excitement and drama the first week, first calf heifer Honeydew has now become a dairy cow. Here she is relaxing with her companion. Two weeks into lactation she is producing 55lbs milk a day. This antique milking machine, a Surge belly pail, can easily be taken apart and...
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  9. TexasJerseyMilker

    Daily Chuckle

    We have a lot of bearded ladies now. They come into the women's restrooms.
  10. TexasJerseyMilker

    Daily Chuckle

    I do not know why people permanently deface their bodies with tattoos. A great many look like freaks. Can you imagine what their tattoos will look like when it's old, saggy and wrinkly? One time I got a hospital admission who was an old sailor. He had a tattoo on his arm so obscene the nurses...
  11. TexasJerseyMilker

    Food Poisoning

    My mom called deviled eggs Indian eggs when I was a little kid. She was trying to get me to eat the white part but I just licked out the stuffing. Never could stand the tasteless rubbery white part, still can't.
  12. TexasJerseyMilker

    Daily Chuckle
  13. TexasJerseyMilker

    Food Poisoning

    Seems like a dressed egg still has it's shell on.
  14. TexasJerseyMilker

    Daily Chuckle

    ^^^ This is a good list for adults^^^
  15. TexasJerseyMilker

    Food Poisoning
